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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Papua Arabica consists of Many SIngle Origins

Papua Arabica Coffee consists of many single origins, but in Indonesia it is regarded as one single origin, that is, Papua Single Origin.

By the way, Papua is three times England in size, but coffee plantations and coffee business have been unknown until recently. In western part of New Guinea, Papua and Papua Barat provinces, it is only since 2007 that people here started doing business with coffee trees that we already have here since the Dutch colonial era.

They Dutch colonial power planted the coffee, but they did not explain how to process the coffee. Papuans knew that it was coffee, but we did not know how to process it from the forests into a cup of coffee.

After tens of years, then in 2007 a cooperative was set up in the highlands of West Papua (Papua province) under the assistance of AMARTA - USAID.

The coop Chair Ev. Selion Karoba, S.Th. says since then the Coop has exported Green Beans, Wamena Single Origin to the United States. Official export was made by the provincial government in December 2009, in Makasar International Port.

Mr. Karoba says, we only export Wamena Single Origin today, but we are looking forward to export many other single origins in years to come, such as follows

  1. Wamena Single Origin
  2. Dogiyai Single Origin
  3. Goroka Single Origin
  4. Deiyai Single Origin
  5. Arfak Single Origin
  6. Hagen Single Origin
  7. Sigri Single Origin
  8. Star Mountains Single Origin
and many others.

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